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Talent Development

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Talent Development Strategy Diagram HS Hyosung Talent Development Strategy
  • Sharing management philosophy
  • Leadership development
  • Enhancing professionalism in job skills
  • Strengthening global capabilities

Spreading Management Philosophy

To enable all employees to internalize HS Hyosung's core values, the HS Hyosung Way, and the
work attitude established on this basis, executives, team leaders, and team members are
spreading them through training tailored to each rank so that they can be practiced in the
HS Hyosung creates learning materials from the company's emphasized issues and
management policies to support employees in understanding major management issues
and pursuing a common direction to achieve goals.

HS Hyosung Way

HS Hyosung Way

Mission + Core values (global excellence, innovation, accountability, integrity)

일하는 자세

  • Are you aware of your own responsibilities and fulfilling them?
  • Are you making efforts to become a global leader?
  • Are you making efforts to increase profits?
  • Are you working with a spirit of challenge?
  • Are you loyal?
  • Are you handling your work in an agile manner?
  • Are you communicating and reporting effectively?
  • Are you looking for ideas?
  • Are you differentiating yourself to win in the competition?
  • Are you demonstrating leadership?
  • Are you working transparently and earning trust?
  • Are you teaching and supporting the growth of your subordinates or colleagues?
  • Are you striving to learn and improve your work?
  • Are you utilizing digital transformation to apply information to your work?
  • Are you engaging in teamwork?
Working Attitude


  • Compliance with company promises/agreements
  • Achieving maximum profit


We have established and operate various training systems to cultivate future business
leaders who will lead the sustained growth of the company.
We support the enhancement of leadership capabilities through differentiated education
tailored to each level to effectively manage and operate the business, strengthen overall
management capabilities, cultivate talent efficiently, and improve organizational culture.

  • Key Training
    Detailed Training Contents
  • Executive
    Training for
    As a business entity, we support the enhancement of business capabilities and adaptability to environmental changes according to the roles of each position, contributing to the company’s sustainable growth through transformation and innovation.
  • Training for
    Explains and supports the company's unique culture and core values, business direction and status, and overall systems to enable early adaptation
  • GMC Program (Global Management Course)
    Supports executive candidates by helping them understand the key management functions and giving them actual work improvement tasks that they can apply to their job
  • Team Leader
    Supports the enhancement of communication skills required for organizational management, such as motivation, delegation of authority, coaching/feedback, to ensure effective team operation
  • New Team
    Supports the fulfillment of the role and responsibilities of performance/personnel/organizational management, which are the basic roles required as a team manager
  • Insight Forum
    Provides the latest management trends and insights from humanities that can assist in the leader's decision-making

Professionalism in
Job Skills

We aim to achieve global excellence in value management by enhancing the work
capabilities of all employees through step-by-step training programs provided for each
position, including sales, production, research, and management.

The Human Resources Development Center organizes training programs for all employees of the company, focusing on basic training and practical job skill development for each field of work, regardless of business area. The center supports the early acquisition of basic job competencies and fundamental knowledge for employees in junior positions.
Each company operates specialized training programs as needed in the workplace, based on the nature of the business, on a regular basis at the performance units (PU), business site, and team levels, conducting work and training simultaneously.
To meet the specific needs of each business area, we work with two full-time professors in each field to develop and provide differentiated training programs. These programs aim to enhance the professional skills of all employees, including junior staff.
We operate an external training support system to enable employees to attend specialized professional training courses that cannot be provided by the department. Employees can apply for external training individually or as a team, allowing them to attend courses in a timely and efficient manner.

Training on Job Duties (for All Group Members):
Core Knowledge/Skills by Job Category

  • Job
    Detailed Training
  • Common
    Business communication, presentation, planning skills, problem-solving, data utilization, agile, etc.
  • Sales
    Marketing strategy, consulting skills, key client management, overseas market research, price negotiation, sales strategy, etc.
  • Production
    Cost management in manufacturing, quality problem solving, process innovation, quality management, on-site problem solving, data analysis, etc.
  • Research
    Project management, R&D performance evaluation, creative problem solving, cost-saving design, product/process improvement, etc.
  • Accounting
    Analyzing financial statements, financial analysis, cost management, cost/profit analysis, business feasibility analysis, enterprise valuation, etc.

Strengthening Global Capabilities

Based on the needs of overseas subsidiaries, we provide training programs for leaders,
resident staff, and local recruits in job-related skills, language proficiency, and other areas
to support the sustainable growth of overseas subsidiaries. We also assist in establishing a
training system for overseas subsidiaries.

  • Business
    Specific Support
  • Manufactur

    HS Hyosung history and core values training

    Propagation of global common rules and policies

    Support for building of training systems

    Training for enhancing sales capabilities

Internal Adaptation Program

HS Hyosung operates an internal adaptation program to help newly hired employees quickly adapt to the organization and demonstrate their capabilities. The training targets are newly hired employees, including new employees selected through open recruitment, experienced employees who join through irregular recruitment, and externally recruited executives. HS Hyosung plans to continuously manage and maintain the internal adaptation program to provide various programs that meet the diverse needs in the rapidly changing internal and external human resource management environment.

  • Targets
    Internal Adaptation Program
  • New

    Group orientation program consisting of HS Hyosung's core values, history, business skills, and lectures by experts

    Guest lectures by external experts

    Introduction training for headquarters and business locations by each business department for understanding the business and job

    OJT program   See more +

  • Training for
    Explains and supports the company's unique culture and core values, business direction and status, and overall systems to enable early adaptation
  • GMC Program (Global Management Course)
    Supports executive candidates by helping them understand the key management functions and giving them actual work improvement tasks that they can apply to their job

Training Program for Practicing Social Responsibility

In response to the growing emphasis on environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG), HS Hyosung provides training programs on related topics throughout the company. We provide sustainability management training programs for our employees, including an overview of ESG management and legal compliance training, covering seven areas such as environment, ethics, safety/health, fair trade, human rights, and information security.

Environmental Training

  • Greenhouse gases and global warming
  • Hazardous chemicals

Ethical Management

  • Anti-corruption guide
  • Examples of anti-corruption violations


  • Work environment management
  • Safety management guidelines
  • Health management

Fair Trade

  • Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act
  • Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act
  • Fair Agency Transactions Act

Human Rights

  • Prevention of discrimination and harassment
  • Prevention of sexual harassment
  • Improvement of awareness of disabilities

Information Security

  • Improving security awareness
  • Personal data protection

ESG Management Overview

  • Understanding the concept of ESG management
  • Social responsibility (brand) management
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