Body Shortcuts


GST, an airbag brand that
prides itself on being the best
and responsible for life

Global Safety Textiles (GST) is an airbag fabric and cushion
manufacturer that has close partnerships with major tier-1
customers worldwide. GST uses yarns for airbags produced
by HS Hyosung Advanced Materials and actively responds to
various needs of customers based on their techniques
cumulated over a long time as they possess all processes
necessary to manufacture airbag fabrics and cushions.

Global No.1 World’s first airbag

'Dominating the airbag sector with the title of being “the first in the world”

  • Coated & Laminated OPW The company also possesses the capability to produce
    laminated OPW (One-Piece-Woven) alongside coated
    OPW by attaching solidified film onto the fabric.
    X-Tether X-tether can ensure a wider interior space by
    preventing the cushion from expanding more than
    necessary while also reducing the volume of the
A challenge toward
the future

We develop airbags of new concepts that can protect varied positions of passengers as fully autonomous driving
technologies become commercialized.

3-Layer OPW
  • 3-layer OPW is a method that enables automatic curving when
    deployed for the airbag to unfold closely against people and can
    have a bigger range of protection.

About the Products

  • Flat fabrics for airbags
    Flat fabrics for airbags
    Coated | Uncoated

    Flat fabric for airbags consists of nylon 66 and polyester as raw materials and is a fabric manufactured with threads for airbags.

    Since the body first comes in contact with airbag fabric if a collision occurs, it must be made with harmless and safe materials.

    GST supplies customers with a wide range of flat fabrics and high-density, high-con products that require specially coated fabrics with exceptional techniques and ultimately ensures customers’ safety by producing airbags in different shapes for diverse purposes.

  • Airbag cushion
    Airbag cushion
    For vehicles | For non-vehicles

    The airbag cushion is a flat fabric sewn and made into a cushion. These airbag cushions are installed in every vehicle to minimize injuries to passengers including the driver.

    GST is qualified with outstanding techniques and stable production capabilities even in the development and commercialization of airbag cushions appropriate to the new concept of future mobility.

  • Airbag OPW
    Airbag OPW
    Coated | Laminated | X-Tether | 3-Layer

    OPW is a more evolved airbag cushion made with technology that allows the airbag to be inflated for a specific time to protect passengers in a vehicle rollover.

    Rather than the conventional method of using silicone, GST uses major patented technology for OPW that inhibits gas permeation to the outer surface of the fabric by applying heat indirectly to the film. GST produces OPW that can more safely protect passengers by minimizing gas outflow and maximizing inflation time to protect passengers in a rollover. It is used in curtain airbags to protect passengers’ heads and shoulders.


  • Airbags for vehicles
    An airbag for vehicles protects the safety of passengers in a car accident. It was initially installed only around the driver’s seat for the safety of the driver, but now airbags are installed in up to 12 areas including the driver’s seat, passengers’ seat, the sides, curtains, and knees.
    Airbag for cyclists
  • Airbag for motorcycles
    An airbag for motorcycles protects the safety of the motorcyclist in a motorcycle accident. The airbag can be worn by motorcyclists as an assist device, and the airbag inflates to absorb any impact when the motorcyclist falls off the motorcycle in a collision. It is the only device that significantly helps the life of the motorcyclist other than the helmet.
    Airbag for motorcycles
  • Airbag for cyclists
    An airbag for cyclists protects the safety of cyclists. Cyclists can wear it around their neck and the airbag inflates in a helmet shape in just 0.1 seconds once the shock sensor senses any external impact when there is a collision while cycling.
    Airbag for cyclists
  • Anti-fall airbag
    This device protects the lives of the elderly from slips or falls as the population of the elderly is increasing. This is a product that can avoid fatal injuries and save lives.
    Anti-fall airbag
Global No. 1
Airbag manufacturer
  • GST logo

    Vehicles are equipped with various safety devices, but the key to protecting passengers along with seatbelts is airbags. The performance of the airbag is determined by the fabric, thus flat fabric.

    The best manufacturer of flat fabric for airbags in the world is GST, HS Hyosung Advanced Materials’ airbag brand.

    Visit GST
Flat fabric

Flat fabric

Airbag cushion

Airbag cushion



Airbags for non-vehicles

Airbags for non-vehicles

An optimized global production base

We formed a global production network with a production base near the world’s major beachhead market, and we’re providing customized services for customers.





North America

North America
See Global Network


Check out the available information for each product of HS Hyosung Advanced Materials.

  • Catalog | Airbag
    Airbag catalog

Contact customer service for
any inquiries on our products.